The Arrogance of Genocide

Palestine and Lebanon Confront American Arrogance and Aggression

The notion of Washington being a fair mediator or partner for peace in the Middle East is now a thing of the past. This raises the question: does the region need another power to restore balance—perhaps Russia or China—to reassert influence and reestablish a more equitable distribution of power?

Israel as America’s Military Instrument in the Middle East

Today, Israel operates as an extension of American and European military interests in the Middle East, functioning as a regional military arm for the United States. The extensive military support Israel has received from Washington over the past 75 years—including weapons, logistics, and defense cooperation—demonstrates this relationship. Now, the U.S. is deploying 100 soldiers to Israel to help operate the THAAD missile defense system and support Israeli military actions.


Washington’s Disregard for Sovereignty and Human Rights

Washington is leading a devastating campaign that shows little respect for national sovereignty or international law, following a strategy more akin to might-makes-right. The U.S. frequently uses human rights as a rhetorical tool to criticize other nations, yet when it comes to its own actions, especially in support of Israel, such concerns are conspicuously absent. Washington, which once condemned the Egyptian government’s handling of the January 25th Revolution protests, now endorses Israel’s violent campaigns against Palestinians and Lebanese civilians, backing these actions with weapons and military support.

The True Motivations: Natural Resources and Strategic Dominance

The ongoing conflicts fueled by Washington and Israel appear to be driven primarily by the pursuit of the region’s natural resources. The focus is not on the welfare of the people but rather on exploiting resources such as Lebanon’s gas and Gaza’s oil fields, to be divided between Washington and Tel Aviv. The disregard for Arab lives mirrors the earlier scenario in Iraq, where the U.S. justified an invasion on false claims of weapons of mass destruction, leading to massive destruction, looting of resources, and the establishment of a military foothold in the country.

Lebanon as a Case Study of U.S. Strategic Interests

In Lebanon, the U.S. has constructed its largest embassy, which functions similarly to a military base. Its purpose appears to be securing access to Lebanon’s energy resources and providing logistical support for conflicts in the region.

Escalation from Proxy Warfare to Open Aggression

Israel has long served as America’s proxy, engaging in conflicts with Palestinians in Gaza and, more recently, with Lebanese forces in southern Lebanon. The current situation has escalated, with Washington appearing more directly involved in actions that go beyond proxy warfare. The United States, perceived as a rogue state driven by a desire for control, is engaging in actions that contribute to cycles of violence and destruction.

The Risk of Continued Expansion and Regional Destabilization

If left unchecked, Washington’s pattern of military aggression and economic exploitation is likely to extend even further across the region. Having already impacted countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon, the Arabian Gulf could be next on the list, with strategic interests extending from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

A nation that faces no constraints for its actions will continue to exploit weaker states to maintain its economic and military dominance. This approach not only devastates nations but leaves them dependent on external aid for recovery, locking them into cycles of instability. As the dust settles, fifth-column actors will arrive under the guise of “rebuilding” what was destroyed.

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