Journalism At War!

Amid the recent media coverage of the genocide in Gaza, very few journalists stand solid in their ethical and editorial guidelines around the world. Tycoon

Journalism At War!

Amid the recent media coverage of the genocide in Gaza, very few journalists stand solid in their ethical and editorial guidelines around the world. Tycoon

Is it a Persian theatrical play?

f Gaza.   Other Arab comments, especially official ones, did not bring anything new. For instance, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry described the recent developments as a dangerous escalation, directly resulting from what Egypt had repeatedly warned against—the dangers of conflict escalation due to Israel’s war on Gaza. The UAE contented

Gaza War: Catalyst for Public Discourse Opening in Egypt?

This report examines whether the Gaza War has triggered a significant shift towards greater openness in public discourse within Egypt, exploring recent protests at the Journalists Syndicate and the role of women activists in leading these demonstrations. Since 2013, the Egyptian authorities have begun to activate a more restrictive system,

Going Beyond Magic: How To Understand Hamas?

In the wake of widespread coverage of Israeli atrocities in Gaza, three pro-Israel American moguls convened to raise funds for a campaign aimed at mitigating the anticipated backlash against the Jewish State. No wonder the three men have right-wing leanings, as the one who came up with the idea is

The Change of War Character in The Middle East Part 3: Back to “The Surge”

All non-state military actors including rebels, guerrillas, insurgencies, terrorists, tribal fighters, and militias can vary in complexity; from small to large and from pro-state actors, to ones with political wings or associated social service networks. The sphere of those groups could be local, regional, or international. Many have official/non-official offices

Journalism At War!

Amid the recent media coverage of the genocide in Gaza, very few journalists stand solid in their ethical and editorial guidelines around the world. Tycoon media Organizations stand on a long line of variety between those who lost their credibility due to conscious and unconscious bias practising disinformation, those who

From the closed, transferable mind to the free mind

In the poem “This is Cairo” by the poet Sayed Hijab, there is a line that says, “Our life here is a hotbed… and a question has no answer.” This line sums up in its brevity the crisis of the Egyptian and Arab mind that has been exacerbating since the

The Arab Historical Block and the Palestinian State Project

A quick look at the state of intra-Arab and internal divisions, and the disintegration of these societies and their conflicts, would lead to the dominance of some neighboring Arab countries over their security and paths. The region then turned into a vital sphere for Iran, Israel, and Turkey, and before

What really went wrong in the Middle East

America’s concern over Communist Russia and its attempt to establish a Pax Americana led it to make disastrous foreign policy decisions in the Middle East, the consequences of which can still be felt today, argues Fawaz Gerges in a new book. As the grip of the imperialist European powers loosened



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