The Change of War Character in The Middle East Part 3: Back to “The Surge”

All non-state military actors including rebels, guerrillas, insurgencies, terrorists, tribal fighters, and militias can vary in complexity; from small to large and from pro-state actors, to ones with political wings or associated social service networks. The sphere of those groups could be local, regional, or international. Many have official/non-official offices and military bases in various […]

Journalism At War!

Amid the recent media coverage of the genocide in Gaza, very few journalists stand solid in their ethical and editorial guidelines around the world. Tycoon media Organizations stand on a long line of variety between those who lost their credibility due to conscious and unconscious bias practising disinformation, those who lost the ability to differentiate […]

From the closed, transferable mind to the free mind

In the poem “This is Cairo” by the poet Sayed Hijab, there is a line that says, “Our life here is a hotbed… and a question has no answer.” This line sums up in its brevity the crisis of the Egyptian and Arab mind that has been exacerbating since the end of the 19th  century […]

Is It The Only Choice?

For a long time, Arabs adopted the notion that peace was their only strategic choice. Within this context, I find myself compelled to revisit the topic of “Arab Peace as the only Strategic Choice,” as it has been one of the means relied upon to withstand the Palestinian earthquake. However, it appeared as a massive […]

Think of others while at war. Humanity in Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry

Hundreds of articles were written about the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008), all tried to affirm the exceptional features of his creative career, framing his work as a representative of the cause of Palestine, and the Palestinian people of liberating their country from occupation.  This narrative dominated too much reducing his talent, tried in vain […]

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